They has different reason why to started this movilizaton , and obviously this affected the people who went to work or scholl by bus.
They claimed for the delayed payement of the subsidy that the govermment delivered for the people who works as a driver of the public transport , in addition , the drivers also claimed for the used of the TNE(tarjeta nacional estudiantil) because there is a gap between the last year and this year.
On Wednesday morning , was a meeting between the authorities and the drivers , to talked about the problems and they has to founded a solution. Becouse the public transport is necessary for all of us.
The different sectors that were affected : Concepción , Hualpen , Talcahuano , Chiguayante and San Pedro de la Paz.
In my opinion this tipe of mobilizations do not helps us , the idea is to talk and found solutions but without affecting others.
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